Monday, November 10, 2008

Why I Don't Vote Democrat

Contrary to the assertions of Obamunists, I vote Republican because the GOP best represents my values, NOT because I am a racist. The same goes for all Republicans. The Democrat party goes against everything that I hold dear. I value the sanctity of life and the sanctity of traditional, heterosexual marriage. I believe that life begins at conception and that holding this belief is not above my paygrade. I value honesty and integrity, characteristics that Barack Hussein Obama does not possess. I believe in small government and that the government is of the people, by the people, and for the people. I believe that the Constitution should be upheld by our judges as written, and not interpreted based on feelings. I believe in concrete policies, not just abstract ideas. I believe in necessary regulation, not over regulation. I believe in low taxes and the value of a dollar. I believe that capitalism is what makes our economy great and that the trickle-down theory works both ways. I believe that Socialism is a failed system that is inherently flawed and inherently evil. I believe that "economic equality" is just a euphemism for Socialism. I believe in equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. Above all, I believe in Dr. Martin Luther King's dream that one should be judged not by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character. If that makes me a racist, then I shall wear that label with pride and as a badge of honour.


Anonymous said...

Thoughts on abortion
You were a living human being at conception, you are alive now because you were allowed to live at that time. If you were killed then, your entire life would have been wiped out -- your children and the children of your children would never be born. A murderer cannot deny a 40 year old the 40 years already lived. Abortion denies an entire lifetime to the individual aborted and every human being who might have descended from that individual.

Anonymous said...

Excellent and well communicated

Amy D said...


Well said. I could not have put it more eloquently than how you said it.

Amy D said...

Thank you, Ireland!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! You so eloquently expressed the thoughts of so many of us. I for one appreciate your "two cents worth" and will visit often for your common sense views.

Amy D said...


Thanks!!! Please be sure to visit

Anonymous said...

Read on NoLeftTurnz about your accident. Take it easy and I truly hope that you will mend quickly and be back to normal in a short time. Hopes and prayers are with you.

This is a very good and well- written article. I voted Republican for the same reasons and will continue to do so for those same reasons. I think the greatest problem we face is the interpretation of the constitution. The others reasons are very important, but if it is interpreted as as written, we will come thru this OK, and the other problems will take care of themselves eventually. Only demwits can make believe a piece of paper is alive. However, if the messiah says it is so, there are a great number of dummies who will believe it is so.

Amy D said...


Thanks for the prayers!!! The foot is coming along. I'mm off the pain meds, so now I can spend more time on the computer. Yes, the (mis)interpretation of the Constitution is paramount because all other decisions branch from it. If the Constitution is the basis of our laws, then our laws should be written in accordance with its provisions. Unfortunately, most politicians have not read the Constitution since grade school. As I have been saying about BHO all along, for a Constitutional lawyer, he does not know jack about the Constitution. He must have been absent from Con Law class the day Con Law was taught!!!